Blog When should a child first see a dentist?

When should a child first see a dentist?

Teeth Crowding

The thought of going to a dentist at such an early age may be surprising to many new parents. A child should definitely see the dentist when the baby’s teeth are visible or 12 months of age -whichever comes first.

The first dental visit is usually short and involves mostly understanding the child’s habits and identifying potential problems like cavities, jaw relation, and growth. Early diagnosis and treatment are very detrimental to the health of child’s teeth as baby teeth hold space for adult teeth.

Child’s First Exam

During the exam, the dentist will check existing teeth, gums, tongue, cheeks and surrounding tissue. If necessary, cleaning and fluoride treatment will be done to clean and protect the teeth.

To schedule your child’s first appointment at Healthy Smiles please call (860) 595-3903 or book appointment.