
Denture Types

Dentures are removable appliance that restores two or more missing teeth. Dentures are made from metal, acrylic, Valplast-like material or a combination of all.

  1. Partial Denture
  2. Complete Denture

1. Partial Denture

Partial Denture takes support of the gums at the missing tooth and anchors the neighboring teeth.

Resin Base Partial Denture

Resin base partial denture used wrought wire and resin base to make a partial denture. The wrought wire anchors the resin partial denture base to the arch.

Cast Framework Partial Denture

Cast framework partial denture has custom made cast metal framework as the base structure. The teeth and acrylic base goes on top of the framework. The cast metal clasps anchors the denture to the adjacent teeth.

Flexible Base Partial Denture (Valplast)

Flexible base partial denture has special material – Valplast as a base instead of an acrylic resin. It is highly aesthetic but needs teeth on both sides of the missing tooth space to support the Denture.

2. Complete Denture

Complete Dentures are made from acrylic base and acrylic teeth. A complete denture will last for five-seven years. Finally, they are recommended to be supported by Implants to provide stability and retention. Implant-supported Dentures have more patient acceptance than non-supported Dentures.